
Brendan Vermeire, leading mold expert…

After being exposed to the power of functional lab testing in the start of his career, he intensely pursued more education, which has led him to be widely regarded as one of the top leading experts in Metabolic Health and Holistic Education. With prior toxic mold exposure at a younger age, Brendan refined his studies, and dedicated studying mold as it relates to human metabolism and function.

He now educates health professionals and self-healers on many functional health topics and is known best for his expertise on the dangers of Mold, Mold Toxicity and Mold Illness.




What’s Driving Your Inflammation? w/ Dr. Mindy

Treating CIRS & Mold Illness w/ Dr. Lauren Tessier

Mold Illness & Functional Medicine w/ Dr. Sandeep Gupta

Naughty Microbes & Toxins w/ Dr. Jess

Mold Brain w/ Dr. Jill Crista


Free Trainings

Are You Missing Mold in Your Practice? tune in to learn where and how you could be missing mold right in front of you.

Organic Acid Testing Training: start your journey becoming an OAT expert for yourself and your clients.


Advanced Education

Mastering Mold Mastercourse 11+ hrs of education

Mold Workshop 10 hr live training



Professional Testimonials & Client Testimonials



Professional Appearances


Integrative Healthcare Symposium (IHS)

Medical Fitness Tour (MedFit)

Functional Medicine Meeting (FMM)

Integrative Regeneration Group (IRG)

American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine (A4M)

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Conference (FDN)

Advanced Applications in Medical Practice (AAMP)

Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM)
