Weight Loss Program

As statistics would suggest, the classic diet-and-exercise ideology model is not effective enough. At Metabolic Solutions we take a much more sophisticated approach that includes developing behavior modification within the realms of proper stress management, adequate restorative sleep, appropriate exercise and an individualized whole foods diet along with psychoemotional coaching strategies to develop mindfulness and gratitude…to break the cycle of instant gratification and victim mentality.

We help guide your self-healing process and gather objective data using functional laboratory testing so we can work smarter not harder to help you achieve the life and physique of your dreams!

What is this program?

A four-month private Functional Healing Program to help you lead a health promoting lifestyle including appropriate exercise, an individualized whole foods diet, adequate restorative sleep and stress management strategies to help you achieve and maintain your goal weight.

What can I expect for results? Throughout our holistic health building program and functional approach, we provide clients with the objective data, education, empowerment, guidance, accountability and resources to be their own ultimate health advocate and empower them to become a self-healer. 

  1. Your results are dependent on your efforts.  We are here to educate, empower, and guide you through the self-healing journey. Each of our clients have to be willing and able to take control of their health and life. WE do not have control of the outcome but will be with you every step of the way.

  2. Assuming you are holding up your end of the deal, we can reasonably expect a dramatic reduction in symptoms (as measured subjectively by questionnaires) and a dramatic improvement in lab results (as measured objectively with functional lab testing.)

  3. We believe the greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it and through our 1:1 functional programs we’ve been able to deliver amazing results to people struggling with similar complaints just like yours.

What is included?

Lab Testing (before and after): Organic Acids Test, DUTCH Test, Blood Chem Panel, Thyroid, HTMA, Omega Index

1 Initial 90 min lab interpretation w/ Brendan

7 1:1 hour long Health Coaching sessions

Access to private Facebook group + weekly and monthly specials

1 60 min lab interpretation re-assessment w/ Brendan

For inquiries on this program, email info@metabolicsolutionsllc.com!

We believe in functional health. We take a holistic approach to self-healing through an objective data-guided individualized health coaching experience. We believe functional health is composed of Functional Medicine, Functional Fitness, Functional Spirituality and Functional Psychology and we believe that each one of these pillars is equally important in determining health outcomes.

*Please note:  I am NOT a Licensed Physician and this program is NOT a substitute for medical care.  No recommendations in this program are for the treatment, management, or prevention of any medically recognized condition, nor are they a replacement for supervised healthcare. All clients are encouraged to meet with their physician prior to engaging in any lifestyle, exercise, nutrition, or supplementation changes, and for any other concerns.