Which Nutrition Strategy is Right for You?


Due to an overwhelming amount of information constantly available to us via the small computers in our pockets, it has become nearly impossible to determine what information could help us reach our health and fitness goals. Keto. Carb cycling. Flexible dieting (IIFYM).  Nutrient timing.  Paleo. Calorie counting. Intermittent fasting. Eat for your blood type. Eat for your body type. Where is a health enthusiast to begin?

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How Lions can Teach You how to Burn Fat and Gain Muscle at the Same Time!

In the fitness world everyone loves to throw around the words anabolic and catabolic.  Anabolic meaning growth and catabolic meaning breakdown.  “Looking pretty catabolic bro” has become a stinging insult in gyms somehow.  Cute.  What these gym junkies are really referring to is the idea of muscle anabolism versus catabolism, or growth versus breakdown.  Now of course growth and breakdown can refer to any tissue type (skeletal muscle, adipose, nervous, connective).  So in the context of the ever popularly sought after muscle growth versus fat loss formula, the “anabolic/catabolic teeter totter” must be considered. 

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Your Personality isn't Random

Ya’ know when I was writing this article I almost titled it “Your Personality isn’t Unique”, but who would want to read that???  That’s just mean!  I assure you your personality is very unique.  You know, just like everyone else.  Kidding aside, although it may be unique, it probably isn’t as random as previously thought.  Now how your parents met might be completely random.  Such as if your mother was from Brooklyn and found herself stranded in the wilderness of Alaska and just so happened to stumble across your father in the freezing air while he happened to be setting the world record for longest amount of time spent in subzero temperatures…..nude……

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What is the "Dopamine Dominant Pursuit of Health, Happiness,....and Muscle"?

When I first started getting serious about building my own website, I obviously began brain storming different ideas for content, design, structure, etc. that would capture who I am and what the website would be all about.  On the one hand you certainly want to develop material that will appeal to a wide variety of people.  On the other hand you should still have a focused demographic that you’re trying to draw in and not get too generic in trying to please everyone.  On the other, other hand that you’ve always wondered why you had until you started reading my articles on genetic mutations, you have to stay true to yourself.  Otherwise what’s the point?!  Hey, it’s alright, we’re all genetic mutants.  Nothing to be ashamed of! 

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